The holo radiators really work at the spiritual frequencies. Therefore, their significance would be difficult to understand at the level of everyday reality. If I were to say keywords for this, I would say something like intuitive hemisphere, angels, collective consciousness. The role of the Golden Ray is to coordinate your operations with angelic levels. In this I am a specialist who helps to clarify misunderstandings in different worlds and in a sense represents the interests and aspects of the parties. Focus your eyes behind the image.
Arany Sugár | Golden Ray
A holosugárzók hatásukat a spirituális frekvenciákon fejtik ki igazán. Ezért jelentőségük nehezen lenne megérthető a hétköznapi valóság szintjén. Ha kulcsszavakat mondanék ehhez, olyasmiket mondanék, hogy intuitív agyfélteke, angyalok, kollektív tudat. Az Arany Sugár szerepe az, hogy összehangolja a veled kapcsolatos műveleteket az angyali szintekkel. Én ebben egy olyan szakember vagyok, aki segít tisztázni az eltérő világok félreértéseit és bizonyos értelemben képviseli a felek érdekeit és szempontjait. A szemeiddel fókuszálj a kép mögé.
The holo radiators really work at the spiritual frequencies. Therefore, their significance would be difficult to understand at the level of everyday reality. If I were to say keywords for this, I would say something like intuitive hemisphere, angels, collective consciousness. The role of the Golden Ray is to coordinate your operations with angelic levels. In this I am a specialist who helps to clarify misunderstandings in different worlds and in a sense represents the interests and aspects of the parties. Focus your eyes behind the image.
The holo radiators really work at the spiritual frequencies. Therefore, their significance would be difficult to understand at the level of everyday reality. If I were to say keywords for this, I would say something like intuitive hemisphere, angels, collective consciousness. The role of the Golden Ray is to coordinate your operations with angelic levels. In this I am a specialist who helps to clarify misunderstandings in different worlds and in a sense represents the interests and aspects of the parties. Focus your eyes behind the image.