The Silver Ray will certainly give you strange feelings, because where the feelings come from, there is no ration. But man has a rational brain that he/she needs in a logical environment. One problem with the ascension is that if logic is not present, no one will be able to solve problems. The Silver Ray provides a solution to this, along with keywords like higher self and individual consciousness. If you focus your eyes behind the image, you will have access to the intelligent formulas I have developed in deep trans to solve the problems.
Ezüst Sugár | Silver Ray
Az Ezüst Sugár minden bizonnyal fura érzéseket fog kelteni benned, ugyanis ahol az érzések keletkeznek, ott nincs jelen a ráció. Ám az embernek van egy racionális agyféltekéje, amire szüksége van egy logikai környezetben. A felemelkedés egyik problémája az, hogy ha nincs jelen a logika, senki sem fog tudni problémákat megoldani. Az Ezüst Sugár ebben nyújt megoldást olyan kulcsszavak mellett, mint felettes én és az egyéni tudat. Ha a szemeiddel a kép mögé fókuszálsz, elérhetővé válnak számodra a problémamegoldáshoz szükséges általam mélytranszban kidolgozott intelligens formulák.
The Silver Ray will certainly give you strange feelings, because where the feelings come from, there is no ration. But man has a rational brain that he/she needs in a logical environment. One problem with the ascension is that if logic is not present, no one will be able to solve problems. The Silver Ray provides a solution to this, along with keywords like higher self and individual consciousness. If you focus your eyes behind the image, you will have access to the intelligent formulas I have developed in deep trans to solve the problems.
The Silver Ray will certainly give you strange feelings, because where the feelings come from, there is no ration. But man has a rational brain that he/she needs in a logical environment. One problem with the ascension is that if logic is not present, no one will be able to solve problems. The Silver Ray provides a solution to this, along with keywords like higher self and individual consciousness. If you focus your eyes behind the image, you will have access to the intelligent formulas I have developed in deep trans to solve the problems.